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photos by Lara Shipley

Coalition or Cuddle Party?

December 8th, 2006 · 2 Comments

James Poulos is always a pleasure to read, but he has come up with what is probably the silliest response to the “liberaltarian” meme: To wit, it’s all about casual fucking. Given the inordinate amount of thought he’s devoted to the torrid version of my sex life he’s conjured up, I almost hate to disabuse him of it, but I’m afraid I’d be signally boring roman à clef material. Reading Brink’s essay as some kind of rationalization of the libidinous escapades of D.C. 20-somethings is on par with denouncing Hermann Rorschach as a smut peddler. I will, however, happily accept the moniker “Clown Prince of Libertarianism.”

Tags: Libertarian Theory



2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Steven Maloney // Dec 8, 2006 at 3:25 pm

    hahahaha. Seems like there’s a lot of “vacuous hit pieces” going around these days. A “Postmodern Conservative” writing about who is the “Clown Prince” of libertarianism is about as good as a historian rating the greatness of political philosophers. And why won’t you all leave, poor, tortured Mr. Santorum alone? After all, you both agree on his right to hold his views. The only real point everyone differs on is your right to hold your own views. So, as you can see, these folks are willing to meet you half way, and yet you insist on being so unreasonable.

  • 2 Barry // Dec 11, 2006 at 9:41 pm

    I skimmed that piece, and a couple other pieces. You owe me five minutes of my life back.