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photos by Lara Shipley

London Calling

December 8th, 2004 · Comments Off on London Calling

Hmm, well, having forgotten to pack one of those wacky “adapters” for the local electric and having not had a whole bunch of free time to go hunting for one, the torrent of D.C. Yankee in King Arthur’s Court blogs I hinted might be forthcoming seem not to have forthcome. In compensation, however, I offer […]


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Merry Olde England

December 2nd, 2004 · Comments Off on Merry Olde England

I’m off to London to give a talk for the Adam Smith Institute next week. Normally, bloggers who’re going away apologize for predicted lighter blogging. Since posts are already shamefully sparse, it’s actually more likely there’ll be an uptick, since I’ll probably have more interesting things to write about. Any UK-based readers who want to […]


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Pagan Prescriptions

December 2nd, 2004 · Comments Off on Pagan Prescriptions

You’ve probably read stories about religious pharmacists refusing to prescribe the morning after pill, or even ordinary birth control pills. I wonder how they’d feel about that ubiquitous pharmacists’ “Rx” symbol if they knew where it came from. See, Dad’s been going through an Egyptian phase. (I was named during his Roman phase; I’m told […]


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The Most Advantageous Advantage

November 30th, 2004 · Comments Off on The Most Advantageous Advantage

I meant to blog a couple of weeks ago about an excellent band I saw at a small local venue—The Advantage. Their hook is that they exclusively play covers of old 8-Bit Nintendo game songs. (The NES Advantage, recall, was an old-school Nintendo joystick.) It sounds like a gimmick or a novelty act, but they […]


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New at Reason

November 23rd, 2004 · Comments Off on New at Reason

A look at the new spending bill, “De Omnibus Disputandum.”


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November 23rd, 2004 · Comments Off on Blasphemy!

Years ago, the brilliant Terry Gilliam, responsible for Brazil, 12 Monkeys, and various other phenomenal films, was tapped to do a movie adaptation of Alan Moore’s seminal Watchmen. Didn’t work out—in part because he wanted to make it 12 hours long. C’est la vie. More recently, fans of the graphic novel were excited to learn […]


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Have You Seen Bungle’s Twanger?

November 22nd, 2004 · Comments Off on Have You Seen Bungle’s Twanger?

Now, why aren’t contemporary American children’s shows more like this?


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Life in the Fast Lane

November 19th, 2004 · Comments Off on Life in the Fast Lane

Welcome the incomparable, ineffable, inflammable Lane McFadden back to the blogosphere.


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Otis Dudley Duncan

November 19th, 2004 · Comments Off on Otis Dudley Duncan

Via Crooked Timber, I see that eminent sociologist Otis Dudley Duncan, who among other things was responsibile for launching that whole crazy John Lott investigation, has died.


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Pacifist Isolationism II

November 18th, 2004 · Comments Off on Pacifist Isolationism II

First, an emphatic nod to Radley Balko that it’s a bit odd to tar as “unserious” about foreign policy analysts who seem to have had a more accurate view of what the consequences of invading Iraq would be than their opponents. While that is, I think, more important than whether the view in question has […]


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