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photos by Lara Shipley

Sometimes a Patriot Missle Is Just a Patriot Missile

April 17th, 2003 · No Comments

Josh Chafetz is sporting a raging hard-on over all the macho good deeds American soldiers have been doing in his name. (Not in the name of all those limp wristed peaceniks, goddamit!) You’d think he’d marched into Baghdad himself, rather than firing off chest-thumping, cheerleading salvos from his keyboard. Oh, but he does remember to throw in some tendentious bullshit about how he “grieves” for all the civilians and coalition soldiers who’ve died. Right. I’m sure his pillow is stained with tears each night. The whole preposterous piece conveys a sickening sense of what it probably would’ve looked like if there’d been blogs a decade and a half ago when our brave mujahideen allies threw off the tyranny of the Soviets. Five years from now, when we’ve got a little perspective on the fallout from your big happy statue-toppling party, let’s see how eager you are to stick your name on this business. I promise I won’t have forgotten. When an al-Qaeda reenergized by a flood of new recruits launches its next attack on Washington—and not, it’s a safe bet, Oxford—I’ll remember exactly whose name to tag it with.

Addendum: As usual when I post while annoyed, this post is probably a good deal nastier than the original piece deserved, but oh well.

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