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photos by Lara Shipley

Space is the Place

April 15th, 2003 · No Comments

Never let it be said that I’ve grown so jaded that I can’t still be impressed by someone who’s been in space. Having been in space is cool. Having walked on the moon, cooler still. And having been one of the first people to ever do those things… well, that’s on the short, short list of things that will prompt me to utter the phrase “can I get your autograph?” (The other is writing Anarchy, State, and Utopia, but that one’s no longer in play.)

Anyway, all this is by way of observing that Buzz Aldrin is coming to speak at Cato tomorrow. I’ll resist temptation to dig out my old Starfleet captain shirt. (Yes, I actually have one somewhere. Stop laughing, dammit.)

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