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photos by Lara Shipley

“He’s My Favorite Fictional Character…”

February 5th, 2003 · No Comments

Glen found this sacrelicious quotation from a Vatican spokesman in an explanation of why the church doesn’t have a problem with Harry Potter:

I don’t think that any of us grew up without the imaginary world of fairies, magicians, angels and witches.

Ah, if only “indeed” weren’t taken. The Potter books, incidentally, became one of my guilty pleasures during lazy afternoons home in the suburbs around Christmas. I went on a popcorn-book bender and read them all, along with Thomas Harris’s preposterous Hannibal, which was nevertheless rather fun, and did clue me in to an interesting mnemonic construct called the “memory palace” employed by Dr. Lecter. The idea is that you build this huge edifice with different rooms containing triggers for information you might need, and then wander through this imaginary building when you need to retrieve a certain memory. Can’t claim to have tried it, but it might be worth a shot.

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