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photos by Lara Shipley

Solving the Tracy Chapman Problem

January 21st, 2003 · No Comments

So regular readers may recall seeing me kvetch about the “Tracy Chapman Problem” — to wit, you couldn’t have written Ms. Chapman’s “Talkin’ About a Revolution” as an ode to comparative advantage and the invisible hand. But where folk falls short, perhaps hip hop can provide a solution. A Tanzanian rapper (and Masai warrior!) who goes by Mr. Ebbo has been commissioned by his government to write a privatization rap, with such lyrics as:

I’m singing about privatisation… it’s about… to co-operate with the government just to let people know what privatisation is… what privatisation really is… I mean what has to be done to improve our economy.

Hmm, OK, maybe Tracy still has the edge. For my money, the best free market line has to be the ingenious G-Love and Special Sauce rhyme: “Once I start gaining / the taxes start takin’ / because the government’s perfected funk fakin’.”

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