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photos by Lara Shipley

Freshen the Facts

January 2nd, 2003 · No Comments

Cross posted on Stand Down

A famous anecdote about Reagan has it that, when presented with some numbers which seemed to tell against one of his policy goals, he simply told an aide: “well, get me different facts, then.” Flash-forward to the ouster of economic adviser Lawrence Lindsey, who was tactless enough to give a $100-200 billion estimate for the cost of a war in Iraq (and never mind occupation). Now the NY Times reports that OMB head Mitch Daniels has re-evaluated the situation and predicted that the war will cost only $50-60 billion. That’s a hell of a trick, given that the original cakewalk Gulf War cost $80 billion, inflation-adjusted. Maybe Mr. Daniels should look for a job with Arthur Andersen after his stint in government; he seems to have the kind of unique creativity they look for.

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