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photos by Lara Shipley

Open Source Authorship

September 5th, 2002 · No Comments

Some months ago, I began (fitfully) working on a book — a guide to the deployment of libertarian arguments — primarily in the context of formal debate rounds, but also, at least partly, in friendly argumentation. Having been a bit sidetracked by the whole moving-to-D.C. business, I put it on the back burner temporarily, but now that I’m able to devote some attention to it again, I’m thinking I should apply some of those insights about “peer production” from the “Coase’s Penguin” essay. So here’s the deal. Take a look at my tentative, incomplete Table of Contents. Let me know, either in the comments or via email what I should add. I’ve started writing some sections already, but if the debaters/libertarians out there want to take a stab at one of these (or other appropriate) topics, by all means, go ahead. I’ll credit anything I use, of course. I’d like to have a “recommended reading” list at the close of each section, so reading recommendations are also much appreciated. As I make progress, I may post sections for public commentary and/or correction.

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