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photos by Lara Shipley

The Professional Courtesy Conspiracy

January 18th, 2008 · No Comments

Some enterprising cub reporter at the Ron Paul Forums has determined, through painstaking research, that journalists covering the same area will occasionally notify each other of stories they’re working on. This appears to have been patched together through elaborate Facebook mapping, though might have easier been accomplished by shooting one of us an e-mail. Yes, gentle reader, it’s true. Often reporters in the same city—even reporters who have quite different political views—will be at least passing acquaintances, and give each other heads-ups on stories that are about to appear that might be relevant to the other’s work. It’s a shadowy network so far ranging that you’ll notice that it actually reveals itself even in the coverage of stories having nothing to do with Ron Paul. Spooky, no?

Tags: Journalism & the Media