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photos by Lara Shipley

Goose, Meet Gander

April 18th, 2007 · 1 Comment

I’m glad that various leftish writers are condemning the Family Research Council’s absurd suggestion that the recent study showing the ineffectiveness of abstinence education just proves the need to pour more money and resources into abstinence programs. I can now rest assured that I’ll never hear them making that kind of argument the next time some other government program proves to be essentially worthless.

Tags: Libertarian Theory



1 response so far ↓

  • 1 roger // Apr 21, 2007 at 8:29 pm

    Well, as a leftish sort, I can name a lot of government programs that I think have proven worthless and that should be defunded. I’d start with the Robot battlefield – Future Combat Systems – boondoggle at the Pentagon. I’d go through the Prison system with a fine tooth comb, closing down prisons as the drug prohibition laws are lifted. How about the Army Corps of Engineers, with their patented program of working with developers to get people to put expensive houses in floodplains and near hurricane threatened shores, plowing over saltmarshes and the like? Out of here. As for the Bush pill company welfare package voted in back in 2004, I’d give the government price bargainging power, thus creating a huge countervailing force that would put downward pressure on pills, and straighten out a highly ineffective industry.

    So there you go. Some to start with. I’d like to see the state increase its spending in certain areas and curtail its programs in others. Like, I think, most people do.