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photos by Lara Shipley

Entries from January 2006

Fearful Asymmetry

January 30th, 2006 · 12 Comments

Here’s something that’s always puzzled me a bit about libertarian thought: Over at Hit and Run, Jesse Walker links an appraisal of the Greenspan legacy by libertarian Baltimore Sun columnist Jay Hancock, who writes: But I do know that central economic planners tend to mess up. I know that economies are like ecological systems: Intervention […]


Tags: Libertarian Theory

Unintentional Irony

January 24th, 2006 · 1 Comment

Instapundit links Marc Cooper’s lament that “just when media is more important than ever in the political fight, just when cheap digital technology makes radio production immediately doable and accessible, Pacifica has marooned itself on the margin.” Glenn then adds that “the problem extends beyond Pacifica” and links to a story that’s supposed to illustrate […]


Tags: Journalism & the Media

The Pragmatics of Crappy DRM

January 24th, 2006 · 1 Comment

A recent thread over on Hit and Run drove home the point that a lot of people think complaints about DRM and policies like the broadcast flag come down to thin fig leaves for a desire to pirate music. (It also surprised me at how thoroughly some people have bought the industry line that file-sharing […]


Tags: Tech and Tech Policy

Ocean’s 12

January 22nd, 2006 · Comments Off on Ocean’s 12

A public service announcement: While the movie Ocean’s 12 is highly forgettable, the soundtrack is pretty great. I’ll need to keep it in rotation for an infusion of lounginess now that, to my eternal dismay, they’ve discontinued the Shag calendars.


Tags: Art & Culture

Setec Astronomy

January 16th, 2006 · Comments Off on Setec Astronomy

Well, now it’s closed, so my praise comes too late to motivate anyone to go see it, but I wanted to note that the PostSecret exhibition, which I saw before the holidays, was excellent. It’s the sort of project that’s made possible by the Internet, but only has its full impact offline. Partly that’s because […]


Tags: Art & Culture

Early Bloomer

January 11th, 2006 · 3 Comments

Wow, my taste in music was nowhere near as well developed as this kid’s when I was 15. I’ve apparently become one of the old people who needs to resort to pinging teenagers to find out about cool new music. At least I can do it through the relatively less embarrasing medium of a podcast […]


Tags: Art & Culture