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photos by Lara Shipley

Entries from March 2004


March 9th, 2004 · Comments Off on Corinne

I knew her only slightly when I was at Cato, but Corrine Schillings was obviously one of the good ones. Radley, who knew her much better than I did, conveys better than I could what an awful, pointless, stupid loss her death is.


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Libertarianism: Political, not Metaphysical

March 4th, 2004 · Comments Off on Libertarianism: Political, not Metaphysical

An old colleague from my debate days has a post on his site that illustrates the need to keep some important distinctions at the forefront of ones mind. Libertarianism is a set of policy prescriptions; a theory about the proper scope of government. It is not a comprehensive moral theory, even though arguments in its […]


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Hells Yeah

March 4th, 2004 · Comments Off on Hells Yeah

Firefly movie’s a go.


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