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photos by Lara Shipley

Entries from March 2004


March 31st, 2004 · Comments Off on Bleh

You can now listen to the Kojo Nnamdi debate here (Real Player). I’m actually fairly unhappy with that performance now that I listen to it. There’s a whole lot of stuff I’d intended to say—some of it more important than what I did get out—that I didn’t get around to, which is just bad time […]


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Kurtz and Cameron (A Dialogue)

March 31st, 2004 · Comments Off on Kurtz and Cameron (A Dialogue)

The Agitator offers a hypothetical exchange between two gay marriage supporters who know that only legal disapproval of homosexuality prevents us all from surrendering to our inner need for hot man love.


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Breaking out the Kojo Mojo

March 30th, 2004 · Comments Off on Breaking out the Kojo Mojo

I’ll be on the Kojo Nnamdi show from 12 to 1 Wednesday afternoon talking about Ban the Ban and the evil proposed ballot initiative to outlaw smoking in bars.


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Bobos in the Hood

March 30th, 2004 · Comments Off on Bobos in the Hood

Roommate Chuck informed me today that the new Starbucks on the corner of 13th and U—the presence of which I’ll confess I greeted with some glee, since I can now get good coffee beans without trucking over to Whole Foods—is owned by Magic Johnson, part of his practice of investing to “give back to the […]


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Money and Your Life

March 29th, 2004 · Comments Off on Money and Your Life

Interesting New York Times Magazine piece this week on how the government assigns monetary values to “statistical lives” saved by various policies, a subject I’ve written on for Reason. Some of the author’s suggestions seem not particularly useful. For instance: To say that a human life is ”priceless” does not necessarily mean that it is […]


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Pointless Yet Hilarious Time-Wasting Link

March 27th, 2004 · Comments Off on Pointless Yet Hilarious Time-Wasting Link

Jesse Walker just passed this bottom-ten-worst-album-covers list along, and all I can say is, don’t click through at work… I just spent about 10 minute howling like a loon; I assume my housemates think I’ve lost it.


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It’s Official

March 26th, 2004 · Comments Off on It’s Official

My New Jersey driver’s licence was about to expire, and so today I finally got myself a Washington, DC, license. An amusing testament to the psychic power of state documentation, even for a libertarian, is that despite having lived here for almost two years now, despite having a lease on a house in the district […]


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If It Quacks Like a Duck…

March 26th, 2004 · Comments Off on If It Quacks Like a Duck…

So there’s an Orkut community called Outsourcing Backlash [Orkut account required] that describes itself as: A community for those who believe unmitigated outsourcing and unbalanced international trade is bad for America, and for those who object to being labeled as “isolationist” and “protectionist” for those beliefs. Ok, I’ll buy that with respect to “isolationist” (a […]


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Law and Aesthetics

March 26th, 2004 · Comments Off on Law and Aesthetics

Will notes a creative writing contest centering on the (fictional) discipline of Law and Aesthetics. But it occurs to me that, actually, the major theories advanced to offer an account of “what art is” (at least as I’ve understood them from Will, who’s teaching aesthetics at Howard U. this semester) parallel reasonably closely the major […]


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Serfdom’s Receding Horizon

March 25th, 2004 · Comments Off on Serfdom’s Receding Horizon

Y’know, this TCS piece gets at something I’ve been thinking throughout the Road to Serfdom 60th-aniversary hoopla. (In D.C. libertarian circles, anyway, there’s hoopla.) Because everyone seems to want to say that the book is just as relevant, or even more relevant, than when it was published. And it clearly just isn’t. Look, I love […]


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