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photos by Lara Shipley

Entries from February 2004

If I Had a Million Dollars, I’d Buy You Some Art

February 26th, 2004 · Comments Off on If I Had a Million Dollars, I’d Buy You Some Art

I’m anxiously awaiting the arrival of a largish print by Seattle photographer Phil Banko. I think it captures the feeling of being a libertarian journalist in DC well enough…


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Language, Take II

February 24th, 2004 · Comments Off on Language, Take II

I see via Crescat Sententia that a few people have taken my little one-liner squib on the phrase “unborn children” below for an argument and gone out to rebut it. First, it wasn’t really. It was a point about semiotics and the way the phrase either assumes that the fetus is already one kind of […]


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To Know, To Will, To Dare, and To Keep Silent

February 24th, 2004 · Comments Off on To Know, To Will, To Dare, and To Keep Silent

A surprising number of people I know appear to have seen a thoroughly mediocre film called The Ninth Gate—a film that would be much less disappointing if it hadn’t been directed by Roman Polanski and starred Johnny Depp and Frank Langella, who I usually like. Problem is, it’s a severely mutilated adaptation of a much […]


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Beer Satisficing

February 23rd, 2004 · Comments Off on Beer Satisficing

I was noticing that the current crop of Samuel Adams commercials seem to be geared toward folks tormented by the “paradox of choice.” One that’s been running a lot shows a couple of guys looking at a dictionary-sized menu as a haughty waitress with an Austrian accent tells them how many different beers from different […]


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Jury Duty

February 23rd, 2004 · Comments Off on Jury Duty

I was summoned for jury duty today and had the vertiginous experience of reading Discipline and Punish in the Jurors’ Lounge as I waited to hear “Sanchez-499” on the list of names and numbers they were rattling off. I was called down after a few hours, waited perhaps 45 minutes with fellow prospective jurors while […]


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Chutzpah Defined

February 19th, 2004 · Comments Off on Chutzpah Defined

Just read it.


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February 19th, 2004 · Comments Off on Language

A little surprised to see Ampersand making use of the question-begging pro-life locution “unborn children.” If you don’t share their view about the moral status of the fetus, that’s like calling a pile of bricks an “unbuilt house” or, for that matter, a blank screen an “unwritten blog post.” Let’s not give them this one.


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New at Reason

February 19th, 2004 · Comments Off on New at Reason

A piece on cybercafe regulations in Garden Grove, California: “Smile, You’re on Cafe Camera”


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Dobbsian Encounters

February 18th, 2004 · Comments Off on Dobbsian Encounters

One thing that never fails to piss me off about debating free trade is that you invariably will get a few halfwits out there who respond with something like: “Well, if your job were threatened like mine has been, you’d sing a different tune.” In other words, they’re advancing the notion that somehow when you’re […]


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How Low Can the Bar Sink?

February 16th, 2004 · Comments Off on How Low Can the Bar Sink?

Glenn Reynolds says: GOOD POINT: “The question of whether Saddam Hussein was a monstrous, murderous tyrant has two answers – ‘no’ or ‘yes.’ There is no ‘yes but.’” No, it’s not. It’s a transparently retarded point. The obvious answer is: “Yes, but being a murderous tyrant has never been and shouldn’t be sufficient reason to […]


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