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photos by Lara Shipley

Entries from November 2002

Whoda Thunk It

November 29th, 2002 · Comments Off on Whoda Thunk It

As it turns out, Bacos are vegan.


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Atheist Thanksgivings

November 28th, 2002 · Comments Off on Atheist Thanksgivings

So like lots of people today, I’m home at the family’s for Thanksgiving dinner, and was mulling over the significance of the holiday. We non-believers don’t have a God to thank for whatever it is we’re happy about. The secular language of pop culture typically leaves out reference to God altogether, and we just hear […]


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Mistah Kurtz, He Brain Dead

November 27th, 2002 · Comments Off on Mistah Kurtz, He Brain Dead

Once in a great while, there comes an article so breathtakingly stupid, so heroic in its inanity, that as one reads it, even inanimate objects in the surrounding area seem to radiate intelligence by comparison. This farcical piece on gay marriage by Stanley Kurtz of National Review is just such an article. “Right now,” Kurtz […]


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Qualia and Coincidence

November 26th, 2002 · Comments Off on Qualia and Coincidence

Why does pain feel bad? That might seem an incoherent thing to ask – isn’t that just part of what it means for something to be “painful?” As we typically use the word “pain,” that probably is right. What I mean to ask is how the specific sensory qualities of all the experiences we class […]


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John Rawls

November 25th, 2002 · Comments Off on John Rawls

An announcement on the Harvard philosophy department page notes that philosopher John Rawls died Sunday. Perhaps this is unusual for someone with my political position, but I was very much influenced by Rawls — perhaps almost as much as by his antithesis, Robert Nozick, who we lost a little less than a year ago. Rawls’s […]


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Evan Chan was Murdered

November 24th, 2002 · Comments Off on Evan Chan was Murdered

In response to my musing below on the possibility of a War of the Worlds style form-hopping story/game, Jesse Walker and Dave Tepper inform me that it’s pretty much already been done. Microsoft and the producers of the movie A.I. put together an elaborate murder mystery, dubbed “The Beast,” which played out on a series […]


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Games to Play with Your Head

November 23rd, 2002 · Comments Off on Games to Play with Your Head

In honor of the forthcoming documentary about Robert Anton Wilson: RAW wrote in one or another of his books that weirdo genius extraordinaire Buckminster Fuller used to perform the following exercise to limber up his mind. He’d go out to a hill just before “sunset,” and watching the sky repeat to himself “The sun is […]


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Out Like Flint

November 20th, 2002 · Comments Off on Out Like Flint

An actor I’ve always had a soft spot for, James Coburn, died Monday. I mention this because he starred in one of my top five or ten favorite movies, a vastly underrated political satire and spy-flick parody called The President’s Analyst. If you haven’t seen it, give it a shot sometime.


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Thoughts on War of the Worlds

November 20th, 2002 · Comments Off on Thoughts on War of the Worlds

Spurred by Brink Lindsey’s Halloween post, I downloaded a recording of the famous, panic-inducing radio play adaptation of War of the Worlds. It occured to me that one reason that a modern equivalent couldn’t have that effect — aside from our greater familiarity with the story-that-claims-not-to-be — is that we’re compulsive channel (and browser) clickers. […]


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So That Was Kinda Cool

November 19th, 2002 · Comments Off on So That Was Kinda Cool

I neglected to mention — this weekend, I sat behind Art Garfunkel on a train. That is all.


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