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photos by Lara Shipley

Entries from May 2002

Nothing reaffirms my belief in

May 30th, 2002 · Comments Off on Nothing reaffirms my belief in

Nothing reaffirms my belief in the wisdom of Social Security privatization quite as effectively as listening to its opponents. As with a number of issues, I would occasionally think to myself: “Well, I hang with a predominantly libertarian crowd, and read mags like Reason a lot more frequently than The Nation or Z… maybe there […]


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Hmm… I’ve been linked this

May 29th, 2002 · Comments Off on Hmm… I’ve been linked this

Hmm… I’ve been linked this fine day by Eve Tushnet, who mysteriously refers to me as “way too anarchist.” So, just for the record, in case you’re here via that link hoping for a Rothbardian rant: I’m not an anarchist. Anarcho-capitalists are silly, slightly frightening people who make libertarianism sound nuts. Many of them are […]


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Cruel destiny and his one-eyed

May 29th, 2002 · Comments Off on Cruel destiny and his one-eyed

Cruel destiny and his one-eyed toothless concubine Verizon have conspired to prevent me from having any Internet access at home. Blogging will resume when I have taken my bloody vengance upon them. By Fafnir’s tooth, this I swear!


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Commodify My Dissent A handy

May 22nd, 2002 · 1 Comment

Commodify My Dissent A handy rule of thumb: when the troglodytic right and the apoplectic left find a point upon which to agree, you can rest assured that the doubly blessed idea is a deeply stupid one. I don’t mean merely that it’s very stupid, but rather that it’s likely to be an example of […]


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Foetal Consent In an article

May 19th, 2002 · Comments Off on Foetal Consent In an article

Foetal Consent In an article on Reason Online, science correspondent Ronald Bailey responds to Francis Fukuyama‘s “consent” argument against genetic engineering. That is, as Fukuyama argues, people can’t give informed consent to the genetic traits they’ve been given, and it’s wrong to tinker with their DNA without permission. Of course, people don’t consent to their […]


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Ya learn something new every

May 18th, 2002 · Comments Off on Ya learn something new every

Ya learn something new every day So back when I debated that Keynesian cat, the estimable Harry Layman showed up to provide moral support… and grab me a badly needed Sapphire & tonic before rebuttals. Since protectionism had come up, Harry asked me afterwards about one instance of successful protectionism — the tariffs on Japanese […]


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Jesus. Every time I think

May 14th, 2002 · Comments Off on Jesus. Every time I think

Jesus. Every time I think my disappointment with Bush has reached its apex, he sinks to a new low. Mere days after delivering a shockingly libertarian speech at a White House tribute to free-market economist Milton Friedman, he’s signed this absurd farm bill, which he defends so thinly that even he seems to be saying: […]


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Yes Logo Whatever you think

May 10th, 2002 · Comments Off on Yes Logo Whatever you think

Yes Logo Whatever you think of starry eyed quests for “social justice” or “fair trade,” you have to admit that they have a certain abstract nobility. People who throw themselves behind these causes may choose ineffective, counterproductive, and even morally suspect means to their ends. Nevertheless, someone who dedicates herself to combating racism or poverty deserves our […]


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I certainly chose the right

May 10th, 2002 · Comments Off on I certainly chose the right

I certainly chose the right time to start at Cato — my second day on the job was followed up by their 25th anniversary gala, which was basically a parade of libertarian superheroes. Very cool.


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I’m in D.C., found a

May 7th, 2002 · Comments Off on I’m in D.C., found a

I’m in D.C., found a sweet pad, and start at the Cato Institute tomorrow. Wacky. More real blogging soon, I promise.


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