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photos by Lara Shipley

Those Who Live in Glass’ Houses

January 21st, 2009 · No Comments

It’s with some bemusement that I viewed an anti-abortion ad apparently being run by an organization called CatholicVote. Partly I was amused to see that after months of mocking Obama as “the One,” we have a conservative group making a clear variant on the bizarre and confused old Beethoven argument, but plugging in Obama for Beethoven.  Even more though, I was somewhat tickled they’d scored the spot with a Philip Glass piece (or at any rate, since I don’t recognize this particular one, a shameless rip off of his style if it isn’t). Here’s Glass in 2004, explaining his problem with the Bush administration:

The separation of church and state is one of the most fundamental concepts we have in this country, and when politics become taken over by religion, you’re being ruled by the Bible and not the Constitution. This is absolutely antithetical to fundamental American values.

Tags: Art & Culture · Journalism & the Media