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Astroturfing Crazy

June 21st, 2007 · No Comments

I was naturally repulsed upon reading this post at Feministe about “three ‘pro-life’ organizations” planning to stage some sort of macabre celebration in honor of terrorist and multiple-murderer Paul Jennings Hill. Fortunately, these “organizations” appear to be digital pufferfish: A couple of dudes creating a welter of websites in order to give the appearance of some sort of larger “movement.”

The site for this grotesque glorification of murder lists as three “sponsors” Paul Hill Memorial, StreetPreach, and Children Need Heroes. (The last site’s eponymous “heroes,” by the way, being people who murder doctors at abortion clinics.) StreetPreach, as far as I can tell, is essentially just a guy named Drew Heiss—who is, terrifyingly, permitted to act as a track coach to very young children between panegyrics to terrorists. The other two sites are registered to one “Howard Boyt”—who’s also listed as the contact for Heiss’ coaching site. In at least one entry, his email contact is an address at StreetPreach.

So who’s Howard Boyt? Well, probably nobody: The name is an anagram for “Why Do Abort?” But his address and telephone contact information are, as chance would have it, identical to the address and telephone number of… Drew Heiss.

“Howard Boyt” is also the registered contact for the “Pro-Choice Network,” which a moment’s scrutiny reveals to be very much the opposite. Dedicated to helping women “make the right choice,” the site purports to provide a link to local abortion providers, but instead sends browsers to a clearinghouse of so-called “crisis pregnancy centers.” The number at the bottom of the page that women seeking counseling are urged to call is… yes, Drew Heiss’ cell-phone.

I mention all this because it looks like quite a lot of bloggers have linked this whole execrable business with due horror, and it may be worth bearing in mind that what we’re probably ultimately talking about here is one sad, disturbed little man, and possibly a small handful of his friends. Which, when you think about it, is sort of impressive: You wouldn’t think one person would be capable of doing so much to reinforce the link between opposition to abortion and unhinged evil. Maybe NARAL should be sending this guy a check. More on this fun-loving bunch at Daily Kos.

Tags: Stupid Shit