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photos by Lara Shipley

He Regresado

August 29th, 2005 · No Comments

Apologies for the radio silence; I’ve just returned from a Liberty Fund colloquium in Guatemala. I should probably post on some of the interesting discussion there, but what I actually find myself turning over and over in my head is: Why does everyone have the same goddamn black, dark-grey, or navy blue roller suitcase? It means everyone ends up squinting at every fourth bag because they all look the same. Many people, of course, tie a bit of red plastic or cloth around the suitcase handle to distinguish it. Which would work fine, except that many people tie a bit of red plastic or cloth around the suitcase handle to distinguish it. Why isn’t someone making bright orange luggage with a big blue stripe down then middle, or lime green with red polka dots? I’d probably get one on strictly aesthetic grounds, but it’d also be handy at the baggage carousel.

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