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photos by Lara Shipley

Entries from August 2003

Tragic Comics

August 13th, 2003 · Comments Off on Tragic Comics

You’ve probably already heard of Jesus Castillo (interviewed here): He’s the man who was recently denied an appeal by the Supremes after being convicted of selling a clearly marked adult comic book… to an adult. The key argument, apparently bought by jurors who knew nothing about contemporary comic book markets, was that all comics are […]


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August 10th, 2003 · Comments Off on D’oh!

So, about 2 weeks ago, I had a complete lapse of sanity and agreed to take a pair of 8 month old cats from an acquaintance who was moving and had to find a new home for them. It took about 24 hours for it to occur to me that I have less than no […]


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Coulter Cult

August 6th, 2003 · Comments Off on Coulter Cult

Radley has a hilarious account of his journey into the lions den and an evening with MoDoCon.


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One, Two, Many John Lotts

August 6th, 2003 · Comments Off on One, Two, Many John Lotts

A new Web site appeared to let visitors send gun scholar John Lott their questions, but as CNS news reported, the site was a parody… a parody the original Lott characterizes, not entirely unreasonably, as identity theft. (Until the recent addition of a disclaimer, a casual browser might have mistaken it for authentic.) The site […]


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Denial of Service

August 4th, 2003 · Comments Off on Denial of Service

I’ve got a new piece on AmeriCorps up at Reason.


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