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photos by Lara Shipley

Beam Him Up, Mr. Speaker

July 20th, 2002 · No Comments

You know, it’s stiff competition, but I think Jim Trafficant clearly is the craziest motherfucker in the U.S. Congress. Among his many quotable remarks, Lauren noted this one:

“I will take with me a file, a chisel, a knife, I will try and get some major explosives, try to fight my way out,” Traficant said of the possibility of his incarceration, “and then when I get out I will grab a sword like Maximus Meridius Demidius and as a Gladiator I will stab people in the crotch.” Maximus Meridius was the gladiator Russell Crowe portrayed in the movie “Gladiator.”

Oh, by the way… here’s his official picture from the front page of his website.

You cannot make this stuff up.

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