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photos by Lara Shipley

Let the Game Begin

April 5th, 2005 · 1 Comment

I’ve always liked the idea behind Alternative Reality Games—a form that (I think) originated with the AI-related stroke of genius known as The Beast and found its most recent expression in the Sony-sponsored (and much less involved and complex, alas) Search for the Urns.

Unfortunately, I don’t have time to actually play the damn things, which is too bad, since the latest in the genre, Audi’s The Art of the Heist looks as though it could be closer to The Beast in scope and quality, though it’s too early to tell for sure just yet. Those of you with more of that enviable free time can start the chase here or here. There’s a roundup for players here.

Tags: Random Cool Link



1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Fi // Apr 27, 2005 at 12:54 pm

    Sharp sponsored Sacred Urns, not Sony.